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Benefits & FAQ’s of Serving on our Board

Q: What does a board Member do?

A: Board members are responsible for setting policies, approving budgets, and taking part in strategic planning. They evaluate operations and maintain financial performance standards for the credit union. They are also responsible for appointing the Credit Union’s President/CEO, who reports directly to the Board. 

Q: How much will I be paid?

A: Board positions are voluntary and unpaid: however, expenses related to Board business are paid for by the Credit Union.

Q: What are the benefits of being a Board Member?

A: You’ll be a representative voice for your fellow members; and have a direct say in the overall direction of the Credit Union. You gain knowledge and experience about the running of a financial institution, strategic planning, and about the credit union movement.  Board members are also eligible to attend training and conferences to enhance their knowledge of the credit union movement. It is a great way to become part of a unique organization that affects the financial lives of thousands of members. 

Other Benefits Include:

  • iPad
  • Internet Reimbursement
  • CU-Paid AD&D Insurance Coverage
  • Identity Theft Protection

Q: Who can be a board member?

A: Candidates must be members in good standing with the Credit Union for at least 1 year; be at least 18 years of age; be willing to agree to both a criminal background and a credit check; and be bondable through the credit union’s insurance company. 

Q: What does it take to be a Board Member?

A: Candidates should possess the personal qualities that are needed to enable them to serve the Credit Union well. They should be honest, unselfish and act for the good of the Credit Union’s members. They should be interested in the Credit union and sufficiently generous to give their own time and skills to the affairs of the Credit Union. They must have the ability to understand and must be able to think for themselves.

Q: How much time will be required?

A: Board Meetings are held once per month and last approximately 2 hours.  Committee Meetings are held once per quarter and last about 1 hour.  Must also be available for special meetings including Strategic Planning and Annual Membership Meetings.

Q: What if I don’t meet the Board of Directors qualifications, are there other opportunities to volunteer?

A: If you’d like to volunteer, but don’t believe that the Board of Directors in the best match with your current experience, please consider applying for the GRFCU Supervisory Committee. This committee is appointed by the Board and is charged with making sure the Credit Union’s financial records are in order and that internal controls are in place to protect the assets of the credit union and its members. Most people who are appointed to the Supervisory Committee find it’s a great way to find out what volunteering at a credit union is all about while also making a meaningful contribution that helps all members. You could also apply for an Associate Board Member position through which you could gain education and experience needed to quality for a full Board member position.


If interested, please contact the Board Chair or President/CEO:

Mark Skaj, Chairperson

[email protected]

Brant Hicks, President/CEO

[email protected]

Or please email your completed application to:

[email protected]

Board of Directions Job Description and Application

Supervisory Committee Job Description and Application